Continuous Aluminum Geared Hinge - Supplied and Installed by House of Doors - Roanoke, VA

Continuous Aluminum Geared Hinge - Supplied and Installed by House of Doors - Roanoke, VA

House of  Doors
Roanoke, VA
Geared aluminum continuous hinges are a secure and long-term solution for high-traffic commercial door openings, they reduce maintenance cost while outperforming traditional butt hinges in schools, offices, airports, storefront, hotels and public and industrial buildings!

It has been proven that a continuous geared aluminum hinge may last 50+ years and require little to no maintenance, saving you SUBSTANTIALLY over the life of the assembly

Geared aluminum continuous hinges have been proven to last over 25,000,000 cycles and are available to hold doors up to 1,000lbs

House of Doors is fully stocked with a wide variety and multiple finishes of aluminum geared continuous hinges to meet your demanding needs. Contact us to today to see how a aluminum geared continuous hinge can help you on a "problem" assembly


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