Annual inspections for swinging fire rated doors are required by the State of Virginia Fire Prevention Code

House of Doors - Roanoke, VA Sales, Service and Installation of Commercial Doors, Frames and Hardware As a reminder annual inspections for swinging fire rated doors are required by the State of Virginia Fire Prevention Code in accordance with National Fire Protection Association 80 2007 edition. The picture shows a before and after of a fire rated door assembly that was not up to code. New Mesker brand fire rated hollow metal doors, National Guard Products brand metal fire rated vision kits with UL etched fire rated wire glass, ball bearing hinges, surface mounted doors closers, wall mounted electromagnetic door holders and fire rated surface vertical rod exit devices less bottom rods supplied and installed by House of Doors - Roanoke, VA to bring the existing opening up to code. Contact House of Doors - Roanoke, VA or our sister company Accuwrite Door Inspections LLC for more details to ensure that your commercial building meets code. House of Doors - R...